Jesteśmy wiodącą, międzynarodową firmą tytoniową, wywodzącą się z Grupy Japan Tobacco. Działamy w 130 krajach na świecie, zatrudniamy ponad 45 tys. osób i mamy w swoim portfolio jedne z najbardziej znanych marek, w tym Camel, LD, Winston oraz Logic dostępne na polskim rynku.

W Polsce zatrudniamy prawie 3 tys. pracowników i jesteśmy trzecim graczem w branży tytoniowej. Wkraczając na polski rynek w 2007 roku, postanowiliśmy, że na pierwszym miejscu zawsze będziemy stawiać naszych pracowników. Tworzymy kulturę opartą na współpracy, dzięki czemu w naszych zespołach panuje wyjątkowa atmosfera. Szerokie zakresy odpowiedzialności dają możliwość zdobycia nowej wiedzy i umiejętności, co przekłada się na świetną jakość działania oraz szybki rozwój naszej firmy. Stosujemy także najlepsze praktyki w zakresie rozwoju talentów, wdrażania nowo zatrudnionych osób czy możliwości szkoleniowych.

Nasze starania, by być najlepszym pracodawcą dla naszych pracowników, co roku zostają doceniane przez Top Employers Institute. Najlepszym dowodem na to jest przyznawany nam nieustannie od 2010 roku certyfikat Najlepszego Pracodawcy nie tylko w Polsce, a także w Europie (1. miejsce w rankingu w 2021 roku) oraz na świecie.


Miejsce: Stary Gostków k. Łodzi, łódzkie

Nr ref. 96286

Opis stanowiska

Business Relationship Management :

-Proactively engage with relevant cluster business stakeholders / respective BTS & other D&IT teams to gain solid understanding of related processes in order to effectively formulate the right solution strategy, ensuring alignment all impacted stakeholders
-Serve as IT solution consultant to business stakeholders and take the lead in mapping relevant technologies and D&IT services to support business 
-Evaluate the current and anticipated demand for  D&IT solutions and services vis-a-vis business and D&IT priorities, D&IT resource capacity and capabilities, and support the IT Lead in the overall demand management and business stakeholder management
- Provide effective communication to relevant parties


Cluster Delivery :


- Business solution related demands analysis for home location / cluster​
- Project and Change Management  for local applications / assistance with global projects delivery for Factory / Cluster scope​
- Business Application maintenance and support for local applications / local instances of global Applications​
- IT SPOC for local / cluster Global Supply Chain departments​
- Vendor management, Security, Business Continuity, Compliance & Governance in home location
- Specialize in at least one global Solution-Delivery or Must-Do Deployment Program​
- Implementation of strategic must-do's across GSC factories ​
- Delivery of expert services (D&A, UX, GSC-specific solutions) among all GSC factories ​
- Collaborate with BTS team to ensure key Global GSC IT Solution are maintained  and supported properly for stable service​
- Realization of synergies and definition of applicable program standards for Factory IT​


Delivery / Deployment Programs participation :

- Specialize in at least one global Solution-Delivery  - Implementation of strategic Must-Do’s across GSC factories ​
- Delivery of expert services (D&A, UX, GSC specific solutions) among all GSC factories ​
- Design and Delivery of scalable / global program solutions across factories in collaboration with respective BTS and other D&IT teams​
- Collaborate with BTS team to ensure key Global GSC IT Solution are maintained  and supported properly for stable service​
- Realization of synergies and definition of applicable program standards for Factory IT​
- Continue Business Application support and maintenance for local application


Project Management

- Provide project-related inputs to complete Factory 
- Ownership of project budget and execution during solution implementation 
- Design and Delivery of scalable / global program solutions across factories in collaboration with respective BTS and other D&IT teams​
- Drive the evaluation of existing solutions and, where feasible, recommend scale-out of solutions in order to optimize expected benefits and total cost of ownership  
- Support the evaluation and selection of qualified 3rd-party IT suppliers to support solution design and delivery
- Build strong partnership and ensure timely solution delivery, adherence to JTI quality standards, and fulfillment of agreed-upon project commitments and contractual obligations


Other: Security, Business Continuity, Compliance & Governance

- Actively support the IT Lead in securing early IT involvement in technology-related initiatives, and ensuring alignment with Corporate IT standards, policies and procedures and applicable J-Sox and IT risk controls, in order to reduce technology risk
- Provide change management governance and ensure that subsequent solution change requests are backed by a solid business case, preserve solution integrity, and are in line with the underlying solution architecture
- Ensure transparency and visibility of system-related changes and decisions
- Ensure that BAP/Memo submission and PR/PO/invoicing are in line with Operating Guidelines and PPO policies and procedures
- Review supplier performance evaluation, to serve as valuable input into subsequent contractual review and negotiation


  • University Degree in Computer Science or similar technical background
  • 3+ years experience in the IT discipline with 1+ of those years in IT Management of Business Solutions teams (including people management)
  • Preferred background of employment experience in multinational companies.
  • Good working knowledge of business and related processes in FMCG industry
  • Fluent oral and written English
  • Experience in Supply Chain related applications/solutions
  • Experience in Data and Analytics and User Experience would be a plus
  • Previous automation implemented using Microsoft Power Platform (PowerApps, PowerAutomate, PowerBI) or ServiceNow Platform would be a plus
  • Business process and requirements analysis
  • Solutions design and related architecture,including but not limited to application design methodology (agile/waterfall), interface design, capacity planning, scalability
  • Project management (medium to large scale projects)
  • Supplier management